Hello To All || அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம்
Welcome to iKJB!
My name is Birawin and I will be the voice & writer behind this blog and YouTube Channel.
To talk more about myself, I am currently a university student with an interest for tech and entrepreneurship. From a small age, I've been fond of using computers and electronic equipment, and have always kept up with the latest news and trends in the tech-industry. In my spare time, I'm learning to code (right now, I'm learning Python & JavaScript) and am also running a few YouTube channels.
I've grown up seeing the evolution of technology, whether it be from the iPhone that released back in 2007 to the modern, multi-faceted, 5G iPhone that we have today or the transition from typewriters to computers with keyboards and word-processing softwares, such as Microsoft's Word and Apple's Pages. Technology has evolved so much and it still continues to do so, even during the work-from-home era we live in today.
I am starting this blog because I'd like to share my love for tech with others and help them understand all the things that we can achieve with the technology in our hands. This blog will be helpful for all the tech enthusiasts just like me, including those who are looking for any information regarding tech and electronics.
On this Channel/Blog, You'll Find:
1. Tech Accessories, including their reviews
2. Tech Comparisons, Ex. Product A vs Product B
3. Tech Reviews
4. Tech Tips
5. And Much More to Come....
Thank you all for taking the time to read my blog. I hope to inspire, inform and help you with any of your queries about tech in the future.
Birawin J
Owner & Founder, iKJB